New office address
/in News/by Claudia HaenenReRa Solutions has moved to a new office. The new address is:
ReRa Solutions BV
Mercator Building 2
Toernooiveld 300
6525 EC Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Introduction PV-Blocks solution at Intersolar 2022
/in Archive, Events, News/by Claudia HaenenDuring the Intersolar 2022 in Munich, the unique all-in-one PV Measurement solution PV-Blocks will be introduced at the booth of EKO Instruments Europe BV. The PV-Blocks solution is a unique and versatile set of instruments to test and analyze any type of PV technology. It is targeted for Small cells, PV modules and complete strings. The IP68 system supports Silicon, Thin-Film, Perovskite, Hybrid materials, organic PV and even the latest high-capacity Bi-facial modules. The system is also suited for single cell measurements. With the development of the PV Blocks system, ReRa Solutions has entered the market of PV modules. Over the last few years, ReRa Solutions has established a strong relationship with EKO Instruments Europe B.V. EKO has three core business areas which are remote sensing, evaluation and measurement of photovoltaic performance, radiation and spectral measurements. With extended experience and a solid customer base in the market of PV modules, EKO Instruments will be one of the main suppliers of the PV Blocks system. If you are interested in the countless possibilities of the PV-Blocks solution you can visit the EKO stand (booth B3.115). The Intersolar 2022 will take place from 11-13 May 2022 in Munich.
Happy holidays
/in News/by Claudia Haenen
Our office will be closed from 27-12-2021 until 7-1-2022. Due to our end of year closing, our delivery times might be longer than normally.
In 2022 we are there to help you again with your solar measurement challenges.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any help.
Summer closing
/in News/by Claudia HaenenOur company will be closed from Thursday 22th July – Wednesday 11th August.
Please note that our delivery times might be longer than normally.
We wish you a great summer!
ReRa wishes you bright and joyful holidays!
/in News/by Claudia HaenenReRa wishes you bright and joyful holidays!
Our office is closed between 23 December and 1 January. We look forward working with you again in 2021!
New published article in Progress in Photovoltaics
/in Articles, News/by Claudia HaenenIn september 2020 the article “Results of the IX International Spectroradiometer Intercomparison and impact on precise measurements of new photovoltaic technologies” was published in Progress in Photovoltaics (© 2020 The Authors. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd)
In this article the results of the IX Intercomparison are described. For many years, ReRa Solutions is participating in this event.

ReRa introduces new productline PV-Blocks
/in News/by Claudia HaenenReRa Solutions has developed a completely new productline: PV Blocks. The PV-Blocks system is a unique and universal solution for testing any type of experimental PV technology like perovskite and hybrid solar modules, organic PV modules and high power Bi-facial modules. The system is also suited for single cell measurements. With the development of the PV Blocks system, ReRa Solutions has entered the market of PV modules.
The modular PV Blocks system consists of the following blocks:
- PV Base: base system PV Blocks
- PV IV/MPP: performing several measurements of PV Modules (IV-Curves, MPPT, Voltage Biasing, Open Circuit)
- PV MPP: Maximum Power Point Tracking of PV Modules
- PV IRR: Irradiance measurement
- PV TEMP: Temperature measurement
- PV MOD: connection to external instruments
Read more on the PV-Blocks website or contact us to discuss the possibilities.
ReRa introduces new product: Bifacial Reference Cell
/in News/by Claudia HaenenReRa Solutions has recently expanded the range of solar cells by a unique product: Bifacial Reference Cell.
The Bifacial Reference cell can be used for indoor measurements on Bifacial modules. The ReRa Bifacial cell has a front and rear side which both contain a high quality crystaline Silicon cell. Both cells are attached to their own dedicated PT100 temperature sensor. As ReRa produces all reference cells in its own facilities, the Bifacial cell can be customized with other cell materials as well.
Please contact us to discuss the possibilities.
ReRa Solutions B.V.
Mercator 2 Building
Toernooiveld 300
6525 EC Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Latest news
- PV-MON Released18 March 2024 - 21:44
- Outdoor Reference Cell now available18 March 2024 - 21:28
- New office address6 June 2023 - 13:14
- Introduction PV-Blocks solution at Intersolar 20226 May 2022 - 09:26
- Happy holidays20 December 2021 - 10:42